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Side by Side is dog walking and socialisation with a difference. ​​Join the Community Join

Dog Training

Do you need advice on how to train recall, loose lead walking or maybe your struggling with a certain unwanted behaviour. We are here to help so can you get the best out of your dog.  Piper's Pack offers both 1:1 training sessions as well as group obedience classes.


Initial Consultations


£60 - 1 hour

Suitable for dogs of any age.​


Having an issue with your dog or just got a new one and you just need a professional dog trainer to come in and help for some advice? 

Dave helps work out what is happening and can quickly assess what the best next step is. This could be to have some 1:1 sessions, to joining an obedience group class, just having a calm environment to socialise your dog with like minded dog walkers or he may fix the issue in the one meeting. 

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Individual : 1:1


£50 - 1 hour

Suitable for dogs of any age.


Following an initial consultation you may be taking some 1:1 sessions.


These sessions are for both the dog and dog owner who are ready for a change. Dave from Piper's Pack trains both you and the dog in building a healthy relationship with good techniques that will show huge improvements. He will offer practical advice to help you continue your training at home.


Class : Foundational Level 1


£99 - 6 week course

Suitable from 6 months +


Is your dog able to listen when you are out on a walk?

- Do they come back when called?

- Do they walk calmly on the lead?

- Are they able to listen around other dogs and distractions?


If you answered NO to any of these questions we have the perfect course for you. 


Whether your dog is  6 months or 10 years we want to help transform your walking experience. (For under 6 months check out our puppy course).



Class : Level 2-5


PAYG - £10 per session

There are some amazing fancy training out there but for most people all they really want is a dog that can do the basics well. 


Our aim is to help you have a well balanced healthy happy dog. To do this we are going to help you to become calm confident owners. Each level of our obedience isn’t really about adding additional tricks but about adding duration, distraction and distance.


From the classroom to the real world. Come and be part of the journey of having a dog you can literally take anywhere. 


Start Right: Puppy Class


£99 - 5 week course

Under 6 months


The first few months of our dog life is key. What we do and don’t do will help them be set up for success. 


We cover: 

- Basic obedience 

- Loose lead walking 

- Recall 

- Healthy Socialisation

- Play 

- Building calmness and confidence 


As well as any questions you might have 

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£30 per term

Come and be part of the community. 


Our members get exclusive access to all our training material. 


It also includes:

- 3 free Side by Side walks a year

- Discount off all 1:1 packages 


The biggest transformation we see in dogs is with those who have both commitment and consistency and have a community of likeminded people around them to support and encourage them.

David has been fantastic with our delinquent pooch Simba - we have just passed our level 3 and Simba has really improved with the guidance and advice David has given us. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend!

Rachel - Golden Retriever 

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